Kayla Catan
Who is this chick?
I'm an NYC-based actor, born and raised in honestly not-terrible New Jersey. I began my acting career in front of a curtain between two poles in my basement when I was 7 years old. Thankfully, I've advanced to performing in higher-caliber venues, both professionally in New York and in 1,000+ seat theatres nationwide.
I'm a proud Muhlenberg College graduate with degrees in Theatre and English, as well as a graduate from the Accademia dell'Arte physical theatre program in Arezzo, Italy. My other passions include traveling, whistling with my pet cockatiel, writing non-fiction and eating anything olive-related.
Thanks so much for visiting my site. Enjoy life, take deep breaths, and drink lots of water. Remember, we are all floating around on a speck of dust, so let's be kind and have fun!